Kayla Elease

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Back to Basics: Mind Your Business

Hey everybody!  Welcome to “Mind Your Business”, Installment No. 3 of my “Back to Basics” tag.


If you follow me on Instagram (@allure.by.kay), then you saw my post about this post (…hopefully that make sense? lol) and you know that I’m talking about minding your business as in paying your mental health some attention.  So I felt the need to make this post a little more serious than the last two because mental health is a very important piece of the wellness puzzle that people often neglect.  And psychology is my thing and I have a passion for helping people, so I may be a little biased lol.

But anywaaayy, let’s jump right into it.  Here are my top 5 reasons why you should start minding your business!


Reason #1 why you should mind your business: because you have business…

Let’s just get this out of the way now.  You are a living human with a body, so physical health applies to you.  And inside that body you also have a brain, which means mental health also applies to you.  So maintaining good mental health is important for everybody. E-VER-Y. body.  Not just people who have a professional diagnosis, or a quarter or mid life crisis, or a problem with depression, or a crazy cousin, or whatever else.  Being in good mental and emotional health is just as important as being in good physical health.  Neglect = detriment.  When you treat your mind and body well, they will thank you for it.

Reason #2 why you should mind your business: to promote positive relationships

Being in a positive mental space makes it so much easier for you to have positive relationships with others.  And maintaining positive relationships is crucial to living a positive and fulfilling life.  Nobody wants to be friends with the Debbie Downer or the Chronic Complainer (and I know because I used to be that person).  It's okay to have bad days, just don't unpack and stay there.  Get yourself in a good space for the good of yourself and those around you.

Reason #3 why you should mind your business: pointing out the positive now might help you with the not-so-positive later

You may be in a good mental space now, and that’s awesome.  But life is full of changes and experiences, positive and negative.  The worst time to learn how to identify the positive is when you’re up to your ears in the negative.  So be proactive.  Take the initiative to learn how to point out the positive things now, even though things are good, so that you have that skill in your back pocket for that rainy day.

Reason #4 why you should mind your business: to help someone else

Knowing the signs of good mental and emotional health (and poor mental and emotional health) may help you help someone else.  Despite what this self-centered world is trying to teach us, life isn’t always all about you.  Just because you don’t need any help doesn’t mean that no one else around you does either, and sometimes people who are in a bad head space are showing signs.  But what good are the signs if most people can’t identify them?  It’s like asking for help from people who don’t speak your language.  If you don't do it for yourself, at least take the time to pay attention so that you’re equipped to help someone else.

Reason #5 why you should mind your business: to improve your overall quality of life

Point blank period.

Your mind is your business, and you should definitely mind yours.

Thank you for journeying with me.

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