Kayla Elease

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The Dreaded T Word

Hey everybody!  Thanks for stopping by.

So if you haven't figured it out yet, yes, we're talking about one of the worst words a girl or guy could hear when it comes to hair: TRIM.

I think we've all had rough experiences where we go into the salon expecting a trim and leave with a cut.  Sometimes, it's your hairdresser telling you that you need one.  Other times, it's your hair telling you.  I know, trimming your hair feels like you're undoing all of the new growth that you worked so hard for, and it's even worse if you're natural because between trimming and shrinkage, it seems like you're never going to have visible hang time!  I know it's hard to do, but I have good reasons why you should keep up with trims.

1. Your ends are damaged

If your ends have been damaged by heat or chemicals, there's no coming back from it.  Sorry!  So hanging on to those damaged ends are doing nothing but making it harder for you to style your hair and maintain optimum health.

2. You have noticeable split ends

This is just another form of damage!  Split ends can also make your hairstyles look a little crazy.  Hanging on to them is not worth the extra "length", and if you let them hang around for too long, the split will continue up the hair shaft, which means in the end you'll have to cut more hair off.

3. Hair lacks shape or movement

Have you tried everything to get your hair into it's usual shape or style, and you just can't get it quite right?  You probably need a trim.  You'd be surprised by how your ends can make or break a style.  Cut off those ends and watch your hair come back to life.

4. Hair is frizzy and lacks curl definition

Like I said in #3, your ends can make or break your style.  So if your ends are frizzy, your whole head is likely to appear frizzy as well.  Plus damaged/unruly ends make your curls work harder to clump together, which is why you may be lacking definition.

5. Hair is tangling easily

If your hair seems to be tangled all the time, you may also need a trim.  Split ends, straight or damaged ends, and single strand knots love to link up.

In terms of frequency, I personally only trim my hair 2-3 times a year because my hair is pretty resilient/durable.  But there really is no foolproof time table for trims.  Some pros say 6-8 weeks, some say 12, some say twice a year.  Just listen to your hair.  If you see lots of split ends, get a trim.  If you see lots of knots, get a trim.  And if you have color or chemical treated hair, you're more likely to need a trim more often.  So just pay attention to your hair and trim as needed.

I've cut my hair twice since I've been natural (once myself and once by my hairdresser), so now trims are nothing to me.  I feel like I'm grabbing the shears every other day to cut a split end or single strand knot.  But my hair has thanked me for it!  It's easier to detangle and tame, and just looks better all around, plus I've been able to maintain my shape for a little over a year now without having to get my hair re-shaped.  So, don't be afraid to trim.  If you don't trim your hair yourself, be sure to go to a hairdresser who understands the difference between a cut and a trim and talks you thru what he or she is doing.  There's nothing worse than asking for a trim and leaving with a haircut with no explanation.  Good luck and remember, the dreaded T word is here to help you, not hurt you.


I hope you found this useful!  Thanks for journeying with me.