Kayla Elease

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Confessions of a Product Junkie

This product helps my hair to grow faster.  This one is good for my edges.  This shampoo is good for my hair but that one is good for my scalp.  I really like the gel I use now but I still want to try this new one because how will I ever know if it’s better?


We’re all guilty of it.  Whether you’re a rookie or a veteran in this natural hair game, you’ve probably had some product junkie tendencies at some point in time.  This post is for those of you who are still in the throes of it and for those of us in Product Junkies Anonymous.  I’ve only been natural for 3 years (if you don’t count my transition period or my childhood because who knew how to do their natural hair when we were young?!), but I’ve learned a few tricks for avoiding the natural product junkie tendencies that we all have and I’d love to share them with you.  So without further ado, let’s jump right into it.


Tip #1: Get organized

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve bought a new twisting product because I didn’t realize I still had some other stuff left in my cabinet.  When your cabinet becomes your primary storage space for hair products, skin products, feminine hygiene products, cleaning supplies, and everything else you like to keep in the bathroom, it becomes very difficult to keep track of your hair products!  By keeping your cabinet organized, you can get an idea of what products you already have at a quick glance, which should help you avoid buying unnecessary products.  As much as I would love to shelves in my cabinet, I just don’t have the space.  So instead, I try compartmentalizing things.  I keep a bin underneath my sink with my not-so-frequently-used hair appliances and tools in it (blow dryer, flat iron, heat protectant, protein treatment, processing caps, and clips) and I leave everything else out so that I can see it.  Shampoos, conditioners, oils, gels, spray bottles, and creams are all grouped together in spaces where I can easily see them.  When I see all the products I already have (and I use them all by the way), I’m far less inclined to go out and buy something.


Tip #2: Try, Try, and Try Again

Don’t just try a product one time and throw it away if you don’t like the results!  The only situations under which that’s warranted is if you have an allergic reaction, can’t stand the smell, or end up with crazy dandruff or dry/flaky scalp.  If you “don’t like” a product for a different reason, give it another try.  Maybe that wash and go or twist out didn’t turn out the right way because of your technique, not the product.  Try using or applying the product a few different ways and if then you still don’t like it, it’s fair to let it go.  Don’t forget that you’re paying your hard earned money for this stuff!  If that product was a $10 bill, would you be so quick to give up on using it?


Tip #3: Don’t believe the hype

If it works for you, stick to it.  If you already have a gel that you really like, why are you running to go buy whatever new gel is on the market?  Find what you like and hold on to it.  If there’s one thing I’ve learned since being natural, it’s that everything ain’t for everybody.  Just because it works for your friend doesn’t mean it will work for you.  Even among people with the same textures, the products don’t always work the same way.  If you really just want to try something for fun, then go for it.  But don’t go out every day looking for something better.  Why fix it if it’s not broken?


Tip #4: Share

We all know that sharing is caring!  If you have a product that doesn’t work for you, don’t throw it away.  I’m sure you have a curly friend somewhere who might be interested in trying it, or who might use the product already and really appreciate getting some more for free.  Not only does giving away products you don’t use free up space in your cabinet, it also gives you the opportunity to do something nice for someone else.  Now I’m not saying that you should throw all the products you don’t like or want on other people and fill their cabinets with junk.  But ask around before throwing your stuff away.  This can also go the other way!  If you’re looking to try a new product that you know one of your friends owns, ask if you can try it.


Tip #5: Samples!

If you absolutely positively cannot resist the urge to buy new hair products unnecessarily, I get it and I’m not judging you.  I’m actually going to help you.  Reaping the benefits of this tip takes a little more work but it’s usually worth it.  Instead of buying full-size products for trials, do your research and see if the company sells samples or better yet, if they provide free samples.  Here are a few brands that I know for sure will get you right with the samples:


Miss Jessie’s

My HoneyChild


Koils by Nature

Oyin Handmade

Shea Moisture


If you feel like you have some self-control, subscription boxes might also be a good option for you.  You pay a certain amount of money a month to get hair product samples sent to you, which is pretty cool.  If you like the product, you can buy the full size, full-price version and if not, you can throw it away or give it away.  Here’s a pretty decent list of subscription box services if you’re interested in going that route.


That’s it!  If you have tips for fighting the product junkie disease, leave them in the comments below!  Don’t forget to like and subscribe (I love hearing from you!) and thank you for journeying with me.