Kayla Elease

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Simple Body Scrub Recipes

Everyone likes to treat themselves every now and then.  Whether you choose to go to the spa or have a DIY at-home spa day is your choice.  But I have to let you in on a little secret.  The expensive sugar scrubs you see in stores and spas that work wonders?  They cost pennies to make.  Yes, pennies.  I love a good store bought sugar scrub, but I also love being able to make my own, super simple scrub when I’m in a pinch.  If you’re looking for ways to save some money, consider making some of your own spa products!  In this post I’ll give you my tried and true sugar scrub recipe so that you can make your own.



Sugar Scrub Ingredients

-       ½ cup of sugar (white or brown, but preferably organic)

-       ½ cup of carrier oil of your choice (I love using olive oil or coconut oil)

-       Optional: essential oils of your choice for fragrance and aromatherapy benefits (check out aromatherapy oils for stress and anxiety for a list of essential oils for different moods/feelings)

Other Materials You’ll Need

-       Air tight jar (glass is best but plastic will also do the trick)

-       Spoon


The process of adding essential oil to your scrub is comparable to the process of seasoning your food.  Some people like a lot of salt and pepper and some people like a little.  Start by adding only a few drops at a time and stopping to determine if the scent is too faint, too strong, or just right, and proceed accordingly.  Add all of your ingredients to your jar, mix them together with your spoon, and you’re done!  Just like that, you’ve got a DIY body scrub. Scrubs with this same base (sugar, carrier oil, and essential oil) can last for up to two months on your counter or in your shower.  But if you do choose to leave them out, be sure to secure them in a plastic bag when not in use because it is still sugar based, and ants love sugar!  An air tight jar combined with a sealable storage bag are an indestructible duo.  If you’re not big on sugar, you can use sea salt or Epsom salt.


Here are some recipes that I’ve tried and loved.


Jasmine and Neroli Sugar Scrub

-       ½ cup of brown sugar

-       ½ cup of olive oil

-       10 drops of Jasmine oil

-       10 drops of Neroli oil

Lavender Sleep and Relaxation Scrub

-       ½ cup of brown sugar

-       ½ cup of coconut oil

-       8-10 drops of Lavender oil


That’s it!  I hope you found this useful and don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe!  Thanks for journeying with me.