
stress management coach

I help women in K-12 school leadership effectively and consistently manage stress without a dependency on time management or productivity hacks, delegation, or exercise.

Hey there! My name is Kayla and I’m a Stress Management Coach for women in school leadership.

I know all too well some of the unique personal challenges that come with working in education. While principals are called to serve their students and staff, I strongly believe that you shouldn’t have to sacrifice self to make that happen. In fact, I think the key to best serving in your role as principal is to prioritize your well-being.

I help women in principalship to effectively manage stress, prioritize health and well being, and lead for the long haul.

As a school psychologist by trade with years of experience in the online wellness space, I’m an expert on stress management for school leaders. As an “insider” in the education field who has worked across state lines in multiple school buildings (PreK through Higher Education), I have seen firsthand what you’re up against.

Using a unique framework that is founded in psychology, I help women in principalship learn how to bounce back from the day-to-day demands with ease while keeping personal sustainability at the forefront.

You can connect with me on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn @IAmKaylaElease.

Thanks for stopping by and I look forward to helping you increase your leadership longevity!