The Products You Need for Perfect Summer Skin

Hey everybody, thanks for stopping by!  Summer is fast approaching (19 days away to be exact), so I figured this would be a good time to talk about your summer skin care regimen.  Our skin has different needs depending on the season, and it's especially important to step up your skin care game in the summer because of one major factor:

summer sun


It's very important to use products that not only nourish and moisturize your skin, but also protect it from the sun and prevent problems that can occur from then heat.  Don't we all want glowy summer skin?  In this post I'll break down some of the key products you need this summer and how to use them.



Don't let the summer humidity fool you!  Despite the fact that there will be more moisture in the air, you still need to be locking that moisture in.  If your skin gets oily in warmer weather (or if you're oily all year round like me), you might want to consider switching to an oil-free lotion.  Also be sure that your daily moisturizer has SPF; this is important all year round but especially important in the summer.  One of my new favorites is the Kiehl's Ultra Facial Moisturizer SPF 30 which has SPF 30.



I love masks!  In the summer you need products that will absorb excess oil, hydrate, and reduce inflammation.  Clay masks are really good for oil absorption and giving your pores a good deep clean.  Gel masks are also a good option for the summer, as they can temporarily lower your skin's temperature and reduce sensitivity.  Right now, my favorite low-end mask is the Freeman Charcoal and Black Sugar mask, and my favorite higher-end mask is the Kiehl's Rare Earth Pore Cleansing Mask (In my All Black Everything post I talk about a couple of my favorite options for masks if you're unsure of where to start!)


This should be another fixture of your regular skin care regimen, but you should decrease the frequency in the summer.  Because we spend more time in the sun during the summer months, it can increase our sun sensitivity which can lead to inflammation and dryness.  Exfoliate only once or twice a week at most to remove that dead skin.



I saved the best for last!  Like I said earlier, you should already be using a moisturizer with SPF in it but if you're not, now is definitely the time to start!  Chemical-free formulas with zinc oxide are good options because they won't cause breakouts and feel super lightweight on your skin.  My newly discovered fave in Badger Balm All-Natural Sunscreen - SPF 30 in lavender (because I love all things lavender).  If you're a person who wants to tan but typically burns easily, give this a try!


That's it!  I hope you found this useful, and if you use any of the products I mentioned in this article, let me know how it worked for you!  If you liked this post, give it a like and share it with a friend!  Thanks for journeying with me.