Easy Healthy Breakfast and Snack Ideas

Sometimes it’s hard to eat healthy when you’re busy and we all know that failing to plan means planning to fail.  When you don’t pack healthy snacks for school or work or start your day with an unhealthy breakfast, you’re more likely to run to the nearest fast food restaurant or convenience store for junk when you get hungry.  So in this post, I’ll be sharing some of my favorite healthy breakfast and snack options that are quick and easy to prepare and easy on your pockets.


So let’s start with breakfast.


Egg Muffins

Turkey Sausage Egg Muffins made from scratch!

Turkey Sausage Egg Muffins made from scratch!

They are exactly what they sound like they are!  For this easy and tasty breakfast option, you’ll need the following items:

-       Muffin pan

-       Muffin pan liners

-       Eggs

-       Bell pepper

-       Onion

-       Cheese

-       Optional: frozen meat of choice (I like turkey sausage for this!)


Directions: You’re basically preparing an omelet to go.  Set your over to 375 degrees.  While waiting for the oven to preheat, go ahead and put your liners into your muffin pan.  Next, beat or whisk your eggs (as if you’re preparing to scramble them).  Cut your meat into small pieces and dice your pepper and onion.  Add your eggs to your muffin pan, but don’t fill them to the brim!  Make sure to leave room for your other ingredients to be added.  Next, add your meat, peppers, and onions.  Add your cheese last by either sprinkling it on top (if you like crunchy cheese on top) or by using a fork to gently push the cheese below the surface and into the egg mixture (if you like your cheese melted inside).  Bake for 20-25 minutes and you’re done!


I typically make these on a Sunday and eat them for breakfast throughout the work week.  Simply remove the muffin liner in the morning, pop them in the microwave and in 1-2 minutes, you’ve got your omelet go!  They’re also mess free and hand held, which makes them easy to eat while driving or walking if you’re in a rush.


Fruit and Yogurt Parfait


Such a classic.  This is one of the easiest, healthiest, and tastiest breakfast options out there.  I’m not going to give you a list of ingredient because you can make it with whatever you like!  Pick a plain yogurt, a fruit (or two) of your choice, and granola and then add whatever you like!  Local fruits that are in season are probably your best bet because they’ll be the most flavorful.


Green Smoothie

I love these because they can be as basic or as extra as you want them to be.  This is another breakfast option where you can do what you want, but I would suggest maintaining a base with the following:

-       1 leafy green vegetable (spinach if you don’t want to taste it, kale if you want a more nutritious option that you don’t mind tasting, or spring greens)

-       1-3 fruits (remember fruits are healthy sugars, but still sugar nonetheless! So try not to overdo it.  Most of your smoothie should be greens)

- Almond or coconut milk for a creamy, smooth finish

-       Chia seeds (tasteless ingredient full of omega-3 fatty acids)

You can make this the night before and freeze it, or make it the morning of.  I’d recommend using frozen fruits and veggies for easier access and to help save you the excess ingredients for the next time you want a smoothie.  Blend everything together until smooth, throw it in a cup, grab a straw, and drink up!  This can also double as a snack, which brings me to the next part of this post: snacks.

I’m big on snacks so my personal list is far more extensive.  But here are a few easy and tasty options that won’t break your caloric bank.

Cheese Sticks

You literally don’t have to do anything with these except purchase them!  Cheese is full of protein and healthy fat and although it is high in calories, the packaging of cheese sticks keep them within a good portion size.


Kale chips


All you need is kale, olive oil, salt and pepper.  Throw your (stemless) kale in a sealable plastic bag with enough olive oil to coat the greens but not saturate them.  Add salt and pepper to taste and “marinate” your kale in the olive oil mixture by shaking it up.  When you feel all the ingredients are evenly distributed, lay the kale on a baking sheet and put it in the oven at 375 for 15-20 minutes, depending on your oven.  Check back frequently to make sure they aren’t burning.  When they’re ready, they’ll look a little brown due to the olive oil, but not so brown that they look burnt.  Take them out, let them cool, and they’re ready for consumption.  These are a perfect alternative to potato chips and will hold for about a week before you should probably toss them.  Store in a sealable plastic bag to ensure freshness.

Rice cakes and peanut butter

This is one of my favorites!  I used to hate rice cakes but I recently discovered that I like them a lot when I dress them up.  Plain, they are pretty bland.  But add some peanut butter on top and watch it transform.  I love eating a rice cake with peanut butter before or after a workout, or oddly enough, when I want something sweet.  Peanut butter has just enough sugar in it to cure my sweet tooth sometimes, and you can even add a banana to make it a sweeter and filling treat.  You could also try almond butter for a slightly different nutty taste, or salted rice cakes for an additional layer of flavor.

Apple slices and cinnamon

A slight twist on the sugar-filled Quaker Apples & Cinnamon oatmeal.  I used to live and breathe this oatmeal and have pretty much cut it out of my diet after becoming more health conscious.  But sometimes I really just have a taste for it.  If you like that flavor of oatmeal, give this a try!  Cook your organic or steel cut oats, cut up an apple to add and add cinnamon.  That’s it.  We all know the health benefits of apples.  But adding the cinnamon means not only adding flavor, but also adding a high source of antioxidants and a natural breath freshener!


That’s it!  If you found this useful, drop me a line below and don't forget to like and subscribe!  Thanks for journeying with me.