What No One Has Told You About Getting a Flat Stomach

Everybody knows that cardio is an important part of burning fat, and that working the muscles (your abdominal muscles specifically) is how you get that super sleek and toned look.  But here’s something you’ve probably never heard before: getting a tight core requires more than cardio and ab exercises.  Yepp, you heard me right.  You cannot get the solid, strong, toned core that you’re looking for with solely cardio and abs/obliques exercises.  There’s a third secret ingredient, which is lower back exercises.

Having a strong core means tight abs and a solid lower back.  What gives you that sleek look is the tightness of the muscles all the way around.  Your lower back might be the most important muscle you’re neglecting!  The lower back is primarily made up of a group called the erector spine.  This group is a major element of the core, as the lower back functions to anchor and stabilize the body.  So here are some exercises you can do to really target your entire core, not just your abs.


Plank Jacks (target: upper and lower abdominals)

Get in a modified plank position with forearms on the ground.  Tighten your bas so that your body is straight from head to heels.  Keeping your torso tight, hop your feet out wide and back to the starting position, and repeat.


Kneeling Extensions (target: lower back and abdominals)

Start this move by kneeling on all fours with your hands beneath your shoulders and your knees directly below your hips.  As you engage your core muscles, slowly lift your right arm and your left leg.  Hold for 5-10 seconds, slowly lower to your starting position, and repeat those steps on the other side.


Hip Lifts (target: lower back and glutes)

Lie on your back with your knees bent and your arms on either side of you.  Slowly lift your midsection off the ground, and hold this elevated position for 5-10 seconds.  Slowly lower to your starting position and do it a few more times!


Hip Dips (target: abdominals and obliques)

Get in plank position, arms beneath your shoulders and legs straight out behind you.  Slowly lower your hips to the left and right without moving your arms, relying solely on your obliques to do the work.


Good Mornings (target: lower back and abdominals)

This is one of my favorite exercises ever, and I like to do this with some kind of resistance (a barbell, dumbbells, or resistance bands).  Stand with the barbell across your back, as if you’re preparing to do a squat.  Tighten your core and slowly bend at the waist until your chest is slightly above parallel with the ground.  Keep your lower back flat and do not arch!  Hold this position for a second or two, contract your lower back and hamstrings, and extend back up to your original standing position.


Hyperextensions (target: lower back)

Another one of my favorite lower back exercises.  This can be done on an exercise ball or on a hyperextension bench at the gym.  Lie with your pelvis on top of the ball and anchor your feet against a wall.  Fold your upper body over the front of the ball.  Place your hands behind your head, tighten your core, and extend your lower back upwards.  Squeeze at the top and slowly lower back to your starting position.  If you want to take things up a notch, try holding a weight in front of your chest while doing the exercise.


Superman (target: lower back and glutes)

Lie face down on the floor with your arms extended in front of you and your palms toward the ground.  Tighten your core and glutes and pinch your shoulder blades together.  Simultaneously lift your arms, chest, and legs off of the floor.  Hold that position for a couple seconds, and slowly return to the ground.


So those are my top 7 core exercises!  What are some of your favorites?  Be sure to like, comment, and subscribe, and thank you for journeying with me.