The Importance of Water

Another thing I can’t go a day without is WATER!

I don’t leave the house without one of my Nalgene refillable bottles.  When I go on trips, my biggest concern is not where are we stopping to get food, but where can I stop to get some water.  In college, finding a lit “change filter” light on the filling station I planned to stop by on my way to class was a sure way to quickly ruin my mood.  I’m a water fiend, okay lol.  And I get that it’s not everyone’s thing, but it’s so vital! Here's why:

It helps your organs function properly

It helps to flush out toxins through your organs and is a huge part of our bodily makeup.  Your organs need water.  The more water you drink, the easier it is for your organs to do their jobs.

It helps with digestion

Water is essential to helping you digest food and it reduces the probability of you running into some problems in the bathroom, if you know what I mean.

It's the secret to amazing skin

Water keeps your skin soft and glowy, not to mention it's one of the best anti-aging treatments.  Dehydrated skin is wrinkly, and nobody wants to be wrinkly.

water leads to sweat

Perspiration is also a way in which your body rids itself of toxins, and believe it or not, we sweat every day.  You may not even notice it when it happens, but it happens.  So if you're not drinking enough water to perspire, you're trapping that stuff in your body!  Have you ever heard of somebody bundling up to "sweat out a cold"?  Yep, that's a real thing!


Increases energy and relieves fatigue

Because your brain is mostly made of water, drinking water helps you think, focus, and concentrate.  And obviously when your body has what it needs to operate effectively, you'll probably have a little more energy too.

Read the rest of the "The Importance Of..." Series

The Importance of Self Care

The Importance of Laughter

Natural headache remedy

Did you know aches are commonly caused by dehydration, aka lack of water?  So before you pop an Advil next time you have a headache, ask yourself if you've had enough water first.  That might be the real solution to your problem.

It's great for hair growth

This is a big deal for a lot of us naturals. So no explanation needed.

So basically, water is the solution to all of your problems.  And, it's free.  This is a big deal to my fellow millennials who are learning how to make a dollar out of 15 cents!  Eating establishments are required by law to give you free tap water, and a lot of other facilities also have water fountains and filtered filling stations.  Bottled water is a different story, but you get my point.  No excuse not to be guzzling this stuff.

Some other reasons why you should drink more water is because it makes up 85% of your blood, removes waste, accounts for 22% of bones, cushions your joints, accounts for 75% of muscle, and helps your body absorb nutrients. I love water like Oprah loves bread.  And if you've seen any of those "I love bread" Oprah commercials, you know that she reeeeaaally loves bread.

But even if you don't have the same affinity for water that I do, I'm still challenging you!  Match your water intake with whatever else you drink on a daily basis.  If you drink a cup of coffee or tea or a bottle of soda everyday, also drink one glass of water (or more).  Love on your body, it will thank you for it!

Thanks for journeying with me!

Read the rest of the "The Importance Of..." Series

The Importance of Self Care

The Importance of Laughter