Aromatherapy Oils for Stress and Anxiety

Hey everybody! I've made a comprehensive list of essential oils for emotional and mental well being and their benefits here. Enjoy!


Essential Oils for Anxiety

Bergamot (citrus/fruity scent)

Clary Sage (earthy scent)

Palo Santo (sweet, woody scent)

Sandalwood (rich, light woody scent)

Essential Oils for Depression

Jasmine (warm, floral scent)

Lemon (similar to natural lemons but more concentrated)

Geranium (floral and fresh)

Essential Oils for Exhaustion

Frankincense (spicy and fruity)

Peppermint (minty)

Essential Oils for Happiness

Orange (similar to natural oranges but more concentrated)

Neroli (citrusy and sweet)

Essential Oils for Memory and Concentration

Rosemary (fresh and sweet)

Cyprus (fresh)

Hyssop (sweet and earthy)

Essential Oils for Stress

Bergamot (citrus/fruity scent)

Clary Sage (earthy scent)

Rose (very floral and sweet)

Ylang Ylang (floral)

Essential Oils for Sleep

Roman Chamomile (crisp and fruity)

Lavender (fresh, floral, sweet)