ABK Giveaway: Chasing Grace

Hi everybody! Although I'm currently on break from my regular blog post topics, I do have one special blog post that I had to share with you because it's a giveaway!

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I mentioned this giveaway a little while ago on my Instastory and in my monthly email a couple months ago (subscribe if you haven't already!) The giveaway is finally here and I'm so excited!  I also mentioned in that email that for year two of the blog, one of my goals was to be a little more transparent, to put more of myself at the forefront so that you get to know the person behind the blog posts.  Well, this giveaway is the beginning of a facet of that transparency.  This is the first installment of ABK Faith Finds, a series of blog posts about topics you'll find at the intersection of faith and writing.

I've teamed up with FrontGate Media to giveaway Chasing Grace: What the Quarter Mile Has Taught Me about God and Life by Olympic Athlete Sanya Richards-Ross.  I thought that this book was so fitting for a giveaway on my blog because it encompasses so many things.  I'm very much so a bookworm, so books are right up my alley.  But this book in particular also encompasses fitness and faith, and both of those things are important to me.

Integrity is also important to me, so I'm going to give you my real, honest opinion of the book: it. is. BOMB.

I was highlighting like crazy!  There are so many gems from beginning to end about purpose, staying focused, working hard, having faith, and prioritizing self and self-care.  It's a very easy read, no lofty words or over-your-head sports terminology.  Just a real story about a regular girl who followed her dreams. Richards Ross talks about how her coach, Clyde Hart, taught her to divide her race into four phases: push, pace, position, and poise.  She then ties those four phases into life experiences in a way that really just draws you in! I think the best part about the book is that although I am no athlete, many aspects of her journey are so relatable. Even if you don't win the giveaway, read this book! I promise you won't regret it.

To enter, click ABK Chasing Grace Giveaway!


As always, thanks for journeying with me and good luck!