Posts in Series
Why is Self Discipline So Hard?

No one wants to be seen as no fun, too serious, and regimented. When you think of the term "self-disciplined," you may think of a hard-nosed military-type person. That thought alone can be a big blocker in your mind to becoming a self-disciplined person. Itís no wonder that people have trouble becoming more self-disciplined. Theyíre not understanding the positive factors of developing this skill. Let's look at some reasons why self-discipline is so hard.

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Free Flowing Homes and Self Care

Way back at the top of the year, I mentioned writing a post about how the energy of your home plays into self care. I was going to save this for January, but it felt like more fitting as an “entering a new decade” kind of post. Why not get the energy of your home right as you prepare for 2020?

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