Self-Discipline: Benefits for Your Social Life

So many people have this misconception about self-disciplined people. They think that they’re boring, or creatures of extreme habit and fun to be around. But nothing could be further from the truth. People who are self-disciplined tend to be more attractive socially because they’re usually in a better mood and truly ready to be social. You’re probably wondering how self-discipline and your social life are related.

Here are several reasons why being self-disciplined benefits you socially.


People Trust You

Because you have a reputation of doing what you say you’ll do, people tend to trust you more. When people trust you more, they want to be closer to you and do more things with you. They can be themselves, and that means a lot to people.

Your Relationships Will Be Stronger

Because you’re so accountable, your relationships will be a lot stronger. People really feel calmer around those who get things done and stick to what they think is right. Your discipline may even inspire someone else to up their game.

You’ll Appear More Confident

Mostly, you’ll actually be more confident. Being self-disciplined rubs off in all aspects of your life and makes you feel better about yourself and your abilities. Plus, when you’re not making excuses why you didn’t do something, you have more time to feel good about yourself.

You’ll Have More Time

Everyone is given the same number of hours in a day, but a self-disciplined person is better at managing that time. When you do the work you’re supposed to do on a schedule instead of waiting for motivation to happen, you tend to feel as if you have a lot more free time.

You Won’t Fall into Temptation

People who have strong self-discipline tend not to fall for temptation. Why? Well, they know that on Friday night they get to have that piece of pie, so why have it on Wednesday? They can wait because they know that the compound effect of making the right choice more often than making the wrong choice pays off.

You Can Relax and Enjoy Social Time

If you’re not thinking of work when you’re off work, you can enjoy your social time more. If you spent your day at work procrastinating instead, you might have to miss social time to play catch up. When you are self-disciplined, you can enjoy your social time because you’re not going to think about everything you’ve left undone. You stick to your calendar and get things done so that when you do have time to be social, you can be social without worry. This creates a domino effect for your social life: your friends and family will appreciate that and feel more loved. When people feel more loved, they are happier, and the relationships will be stronger.