Self Discipline: Benefits for Work and Studying

Out of everything you learned as a kid growing up, self-discipline is probably one of the most vital skills. If you have learned this lesson, you’ll reap the benefits your entire life by reaching for and meeting your goals more easily. Plus, you will be living your life at full blast because you won’t have as much stress.

You Won’t Be As Impulsive

When you are able to control your own impulses, you tend to make much better decisions because you’re able to stop and think before doing so. That means you’ll have fewer things to be sorry about at work or school.

You Know Your Priorities

A self-disciplined person is very aware of the priorities they have each day. They are prepared and look over everything in plenty of time to arrange their day to meet those priorities.

You Will Meet Your Obligations

Let’s be clear: meeting obligations feels good. I think everyone feels confident when they get stuff done. When you follow through and do something at work or school (or life) that is important, it feels good, and you want to do it again.

Reduces Procrastination

Procrastination is sometimes a symptom of a larger problem - usually a lack of confidence in skills, imposter syndrome, or fear of success. When you have self-discipline, you tend to make a schedule that takes into account all of the things about you, including your procrastinating ways.

You Don’t Need Passion to Finish Projects

The idea that you should work or do things when you feel like it is becoming increasingly controversial as some people lean towards habit and consistency no matter what while others lean into doing things that are easeful and only when they feel easeful. While that works for some people, that doesn’t work for everybody. When the passion strikes is the time to work according to many. However, this isn’t always a good plan because you’re not going to feel passion every single day. When you have exercise self-discipline, you tend to get it done regardless of your thoughts and feelings.

You’ll Sleep Better

When you get up at a normal time each day, go to bed at a normal time each night, and eat right most days - as well as do what you say you’ll do - you’ll probably sleep a lot better every night because your body is in a good rhythm.

You’ll Feel Less Guilt

There’s nothing like a follow-through. When you follow through in life - whether it’s something you promised to yourself or someone else, you feel less guilt. When you exercise discipline is your “no’s” and your “yes’s”, you’ll be happier with your decisions. You won’t have any reason to feel guilty due to your good choices. Having self-discipline doesn’t mean that you aren’t a fun or that you can't be spontaneous. It simply means that you are reliant on yourself, trust yourself, and show this by doing what you promise yourself and others that you will do.