Self-Discipline: Benefits for Your Health

The truth is, self-discipline makes your life better in every single way. When you work on building your self-discipline in all aspects of your life, you’re going to end up happier, more successful, and physically healthier too. There are many reasons why being self-disciplined benefits your health, so let’s look at a few.

Your Standards Go Up

When you have self-discipline, you’re able to get up on time, get to work on time and get your work done promptly. You may also able to incorporate exercise, eating right, and making regular doctor visits due to your ability to understand that setting small daily goals will ensure you reach success. When you’re able to achieve the smaller goals, you can make bigger and better goals with higher standards because you know how to do it.

You Eat Better

You’ll be less tempted by that chocolate cake at the lunchtime meeting with your colleagues. Instead, you might think about the apple pie that you’ll be eating on Saturday at your family dinner. You have no problem saying no to little things because you understand the power of small choices.

You Move More

Because you know that moving is something that will make you healthier, give you more energy, and help you get through the day with more power, you exercise intentionally. When you exercise that way, you will be healthier in every single way. Self-discipline helps you create a daily habit of exercise that you make time for on purpose, and that makes you healthier.

You Sleep Well

Self-disciplined people tend to stick to a standard day. They get up and go to bed (for the most part) at the same time each day. This is what helps them get on a normal schedule, find ways to fit more into each day and get to bed on time. They can sleep the recommended 7 to 9 hours a night depending on their personal needs.

You Go to the Doctor

You know that being healthy means that you need to get to the doctor for your yearly physicals and so forth. A self-disciplined person will do things on a schedule instead of waiting until they are too sick to get good care.

Your Emotions Are Steady

Because you’re not rushed, pressured, or stressed, a no-drama day does that for you - you'll be able to keep your emotions steady. It may also help you in the heat of the moment. Having discipline may also make you more likely to control your anger and other strong emotions because you have such a good handle on your emotions.

You Think Before You Act

Because of your ability to think things through, match the situation with your values, and then make a choice based on that knowledge, you may make better decisions which benefit your health by avoiding dangerous situations. Before you try any diet, or any potion or pill, try improving your self-discipline. More than likely it will be the main thing that you can point to as to the reason for your success.

That’s it for this post! I hope this gets you one step closer to becoming your own wellness expert without the guesswork. If you’re ready to start your wellness journey, get my free list guide 5 Things to Know When Starting Your Wellness Journey to uncomplicate wellness, bypass some common roadblocks, and and begin the journey to becoming your own wellness expert.