Free Flowing Homes and Self Care

This is the seventh installment of Kayla’s Quick Reads, designed to be read from top to bottom in 5 minutes or less.

You can read the other posts in this series here.

Way back at the top of the year, I mentioned writing a post about how the energy of your home plays into self care. I was going to save this for January, but it felt like more fitting as an “entering a new decade” kind of post. Why not get the energy of your home right as you prepare for 2020? I know you’re buying Christmas gifts, decorating, cooking, hanging out with family and friends, and going out. So I’ll keep it short.


The Energy of Your Home Affects Your Personal Energy

This may seem like a no-brainer, but it certainly wasn’t for me. As someone who really values home as a safe space physically, mentally, and emotionally, the energy of my home really does have a huge impact on my personal energy. I am fortunate enough to be able to dictate pretty much everything that happens in my home. I don’t have to share a bedroom with multiple people, and I don’t have to go without the basic amenities. I know this is a privilege! Because I have that kind of control, I learned to harness it for my good. In order for home to maintain a safe space, I have to be intentional about creating a peaceful space and maintaining it. That means no foolishness comes in, and sometimes that means I have to sit in my car for an extra 15 minutes before coming in so that I can get my attitude together. Holding strictly to the peaceful home mantra ensures that no matter how crazy the outside world gets, home will always be a safe and comfortable place to reset.

De-Cluttered Space is Important

Similarly to how I won’t bring certain energy into my home, I also leave room for the good vibes to flow I like open floor plans where one space flows naturally into another. I don’t like having a lot of stuff that takes up space, and I don’t like placing big pieces of furniture in spaces that halt the natural flow of things. If I can’t walk through the space without issues, the energy can’t flow either. Some use hygge, others prefer feng shui. This is just my thing. Find what you like and stick to it!

Go Green

Not talking sustainability this time, but I’m talking about plants! Not only can plants possibly improve your mood by just being there (I don’t think I know anyone who gets upset when they see green plants), but they can also improve the air quality in your home, which in turn is physically beneficial for you. Snake plants keep air temperatures low, which helps to create a more comfortable sleeping environment if you prefer cooler sleeping environments. Peace lilies reduce toxins like benzene, ammonia, and ethyl, which can improve the air quality of your home. Devil’s Ivy removes ozone, also known as the chemical found in car fumes. Areca Palms release moisture into the air, which helps with cold and sinus problems. There are many, many more plants with benefits and I think having plants in my home has played a huge part in the overall vibe, both mentally and physically. I also thing it’s good for people with mood disorders or any kind of disposition to have something bigger than themselves to think about and care for. Plants are a nice easy go-to for that.


Use Something to Call Positivity Into Your Home

I don’t like when people write off things like the use of crystals or burning herbs in your home because if it’s association with a particular religion or faith that they don’t associate with. I believe that things can take on the meanings that you give them, so you can use anything to bring positivity into your home. Instead of giving the objects the power, you should take the power into your own hands and use them in a way that best suits you. For example, some Christians don’t believe in the healing powers of crystals because it goes against the idea that God is the only living god who can heal. Why not pray over the crystals and leave them around your house as a reminder of those prayers and your faith in God to do whatever you asked for? Use something (sage, palo santo, crystals, etc.) to call the positivity in. You can also use aromatherapy as a way to summon positivity. I wrote a post all about it here (there’s a video for it too!).


That’s it! I hope you enjoyed this blog post. What are you going to do to create a living environment where positive vibes can flow freely?