Posts in Kayla's Quick Reads
What Is Self Discipline? 10 Ways to Demonstrate It

When someone is referred to as self-disciplined, it means that they’re intrinsically motivated enough to avoid short-term temptations to achieve long-term goals. They tend to be the person everyone else can count on to get things done due to their highly reliable nature and by default, those people also tend to be very successful. They are people with integrity. So, how can you demonstrate or build self-discipline?

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Free Flowing Homes and Self Care

Way back at the top of the year, I mentioned writing a post about how the energy of your home plays into self care. I was going to save this for January, but it felt like more fitting as an “entering a new decade” kind of post. Why not get the energy of your home right as you prepare for 2020?

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Forced Stillness

This is the sixth installment of the ABK Quick Reads series! These posts are for the busy millennial in mind, designed to be read from top to bottom in 5 minutes or less. Read more about how Kayla plans to force stillness in her life in order to reach her greatest potential in 2019.

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Giving Your Natural Hair a Facelift

This is the third installment of ABK Quick Reads, a series of blog posts designed to be read from top to bottom in 5 minutes or less, is all about giving your hair a facelift/shaping. Learn the benefits of shaping your natural hair.

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Applying the 5 Love Languages to Your Self Care Practices

This post is the second installment of ABK Quick Reads, a series of posts designed to be read from top to bottom in 5 minutes or less.  In today’s day and age, it’s hard to find time to eat and sleep, much less read.  So in an effort to educate efficiently, these can be read on the subway, during your lunch break, or even a bathroom break!

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The Power of Disconnecting

This post is the first installment of ABK Quick Reads, a series of posts designed to be read from top to bottom in 5 minutes or less.

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