Posts tagged self care
Free Flowing Homes and Self Care

Way back at the top of the year, I mentioned writing a post about how the energy of your home plays into self care. I was going to save this for January, but it felt like more fitting as an “entering a new decade” kind of post. Why not get the energy of your home right as you prepare for 2020?

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Building A Life That's Sustainable

But getting back to the whole life sustainability thing: it’s hard. It’s taken me a long time to learn the lessons that I’m going to share and in no way does this mean that I’ve “arrived”. Building and living a life that is sustainable requires daily work. My natural disposition is to go hard for/on everything. I’m a very…

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Financial Self Care Pt. 1: Tips to Make Money Work for You

In this post, I’m sharing a little background on my financial habits, talking about how financial wellness is a form of self care, and giving you some tips to help you make your money work for you instead of the other way around.

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Applying the 5 Love Languages to Your Self Care Practices

This post is the second installment of ABK Quick Reads, a series of posts designed to be read from top to bottom in 5 minutes or less.  In today’s day and age, it’s hard to find time to eat and sleep, much less read.  So in an effort to educate efficiently, these can be read on the subway, during your lunch break, or even a bathroom break!

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The Power of Disconnecting

This post is the first installment of ABK Quick Reads, a series of posts designed to be read from top to bottom in 5 minutes or less.

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Why I'm NOT Creating a Vision Board for 2018

I know, I’m one of very few people who isn’t really into the whole vision board thing this year.  I posted a little bit about my goals for 2018 on my Instastory and decided to expand the conversation with a blog post so that I could talk a little more about why I’m not into vision boards anymore.

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