Posts tagged discipline
Why is Self Discipline So Hard?

No one wants to be seen as no fun, too serious, and regimented. When you think of the term "self-disciplined," you may think of a hard-nosed military-type person. That thought alone can be a big blocker in your mind to becoming a self-disciplined person. Itís no wonder that people have trouble becoming more self-disciplined. Theyíre not understanding the positive factors of developing this skill. Let's look at some reasons why self-discipline is so hard.

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What Is Self Discipline? 10 Ways to Demonstrate It

When someone is referred to as self-disciplined, it means that they’re intrinsically motivated enough to avoid short-term temptations to achieve long-term goals. They tend to be the person everyone else can count on to get things done due to their highly reliable nature and by default, those people also tend to be very successful. They are people with integrity. So, how can you demonstrate or build self-discipline?

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