What Is Self Discipline? 10 Ways to Demonstrate It

When someone is referred to as self-disciplined, it means that they’re intrinsically motivated enough to avoid short-term temptations to achieve long-term goals. They tend to be the person everyone else can count on to get things done due to their highly reliable nature and by default, those people also tend to be very successful. They are people with integrity. So, how can you demonstrate or build self-discipline?

If you’re self-disciplined, you:

Take Personal Responsibility for Your Actions

If you want to demonstrate self-discipline, at its core it’s all about realizing you are responsible for your own actions and yours alone. When things go right or wrong, you look at how your own behavior affected the situation and then note what you’ll do again and how you can do better the next go ‘round.

Are Intrinsically Motivated

A person with strong self-discipline doesn’t usually need outside influence to do the right thing. They are very sure of their core values and will put them ahead of what they "want" and do what is right.

Understand Your Potential

People who have strong self-discipline tend to realize that they have a lot more power than the average person thinks they have. Due to this, they set up their lives in a way that will lead them to succeed because they know they can do it. When you understand what you have (in terms of personality characteristics), you tend to be more driven to put those things to good use.

Know How to Set Goals Properly

Proper goal setting is so important! When you know that your actions make a great deal of difference to your success, you’ll place a high level of importance on learning how to set goals properly. A good tool for proper goal setting is the acronym SMART. Each of your goals should be: Specifc (simple, sensible, and significant), Measurable (meaningful and motivating), Achievable (agreed and attainable), Relevant (reasonable, realistic and resourced, and results-based), and Time bound (time-based, time limited, time/cost limited, timely, time-sensitive).

Whether you feel like you’re working hard but not getting anywhere, seeing little improvement in your skills or achievements when you reflect on the last few years, or struggle to see how you’ll meet your goals for the future, SMART goals will help you to set yourself up for success.

Set Schedules and Routines for Daily Life

Everyone is handed the same 24 hours in a day, but highly successful and disciplined people use the time a little differently. They tend to schedule everything and do things at certain times ritualistically, because it helps them do more in their lives and experience more balance. Building a consistent schedule will help you to build discipline.

Express Gratitude Daily

I’ve talked about gratitude extensively on this platform, so if you’ve been with me for a while, this one probably comes as no surprise. Looking on the bright side is a trait of people who have self-confidence because they tend to believe in their life and the world around them. Keeping a gratitude journal can help anyone learn to feel more grateful. Seeing the fruits of your labor (or the purpose of it at the very least) makes you more likely to keep at it, whatever “it” is.

Are an Avid Student of Life

Sadly, most of the world doesn’t read after they’re finished with school. But a person who has self-discipline is usually a lifetime learner. They like reading and learning and always make time for it because the more you know, the more you grow.

Take Care of Your Entire Self

The reason self-discipline helps you take care of yourself is that you’re able to see how some hard decisions made today (such as not to have that piece of cake) will pay off tomorrow. Even things life regularly practicing self care is a way to demonstrate discipline as you’re demonstrating your commitment to yourself.

Are Confident, Patient and Calm

Because you don’t feel powerless, and because you know how to make goals and plans to reach those goals, you can feel a lot more confident, patient, and calm. There is no reason to get into anyone’s drama and even when things are tough, you know you’ll make it through if you follow the steps and your schedule.

Forgive Yourself and Others for Their Imperfections

Because you constantly work on yourself, even amidst discipline you can see that imperfection is normal. Human imperfections are what makes everyone…well, human. The most important thing to realize about self-discipline is that you don’t have to be perfect from day one. If you want to improve your chances of experiencing success, viewing self-discipline from a “progress not perfection” standpoint is the key.