Posts tagged body
Forced Stillness

This is the sixth installment of the ABK Quick Reads series! These posts are for the busy millennial in mind, designed to be read from top to bottom in 5 minutes or less. Read more about how Kayla plans to force stillness in her life in order to reach her greatest potential in 2019.

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The Importance of Self Care

First of all, what is it?  Self care is anything that you do for you in an effort to maintain optimal physical and/or mental health.  It can be anything that makes you tick: going for a run, getting a massage, having lunch with a friend, unplugging from your phone and social media to sit in a quiet space and reflect. Maybe it’s your reward for making it through a tough work week, or...

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Back to Basics: Mind Your Business

If you follow me on Instagram (, then you saw my post about this post (…hopefully that make sense? lol) and you know that I’m talking about minding your business as in paying your mental health some attention.  So I felt the need to make this post a little more serious than the last two because mental health is a very important piece of the wellness puzzle that people often neglect.  

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