Posts tagged wellness
My Wellness Experience

It was my junior year of college when I began to take health and fitness more seriously. I quickly realized that I’d need more than YouTube workouts and generic plans. So I got a personal trainer and nutritionist but I still wanted more. In a world of flat tummy teas, waist trainers, and quite frankly, White women as the gold standard for health, I was looking for the girls with “lived-in” bodies that they loved and melanin like mine who promoted actually being well, not just eating clean and working out.

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Why I'm NOT Creating a Vision Board for 2018

I know, I’m one of very few people who isn’t really into the whole vision board thing this year.  I posted a little bit about my goals for 2018 on my Instastory and decided to expand the conversation with a blog post so that I could talk a little more about why I’m not into vision boards anymore.

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The Importance of Self Care

First of all, what is it?  Self care is anything that you do for you in an effort to maintain optimal physical and/or mental health.  It can be anything that makes you tick: going for a run, getting a massage, having lunch with a friend, unplugging from your phone and social media to sit in a quiet space and reflect. Maybe it’s your reward for making it through a tough work week, or...

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Never Underestimate the Influence of Portion Control

This is an important concept for weight loss and for overall weight management.  It’s easier to know how much to cut back (if you’re looking to lose) or how much to eat (if you’re looking to gain or maintain) when you understand the concept of portion control.  So I’m going to share some tips that have helped me become more aware of what I eat and how much I eat, which in turn has helped me lose and maintain weight.  Hopefully they’ll help you too!

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Back to Basics: Mind Your Business

If you follow me on Instagram (, then you saw my post about this post (…hopefully that make sense? lol) and you know that I’m talking about minding your business as in paying your mental health some attention.  So I felt the need to make this post a little more serious than the last two because mental health is a very important piece of the wellness puzzle that people often neglect.  

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