When You Can't Afford a Trainer

You want to make body changes (lose weight, gain weight, tone, etc.), but you have no idea where to start.  I’ve gathered some really good workout resources over the past couple years that I want to share with you for such a time as this!

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Rose Colored Glasses: Optimism vs. Positive Thinking

I had a conversation with one of my best friends about a month ago about the idea that everything happens for a reason and to what extent our free will affects our fate or destiny.  The conversation got me thinking about my way of thinking (I know, super introspective right?)

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Adult Acne: Reasons You Might Be Breaking Out

I thought life was great once I hit 17 and seemingly stopped having those frequent breakouts.  Years later I’ve come to realize that breakouts have absolutely nothing to do with age.  Does being a hormonal teenager increase your chances of breaking out?  Absolutely.  But there’s no set age...

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The Products You Need for Perfect Summer Skin

Summer is fast approaching (19 days away to be exact), so I figured this would be a good time to talk about your summer skin care regimen.  Our skin has different needs depending on the season, and it's especially important to step up your skin care game in the summer because of one major factor...

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Getting Back to Home Base

It’s been quite some time since I’ve written a post about self-care and I can’t help but think that it’s related to the fact that I’ve been neglecting it.  I decided to write this post for people like me who are conscious and aware of self-care but still fall short every now and then.  If you’re in need of a reboot, here are a few things I do to re-center and get back to home base.

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The Best On-The-Go Fitness Equipment

Whether you're out of town and the hotel gym isn't up to par, you're looking for a change in scenery and want to make your local park your gym, or you want to workout at home but lack the money for pricey equipment, these reasonably priced materials might be the perfect tools for a well rounded workout.

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Protective Styling

Every now and then you want to give your hair a break, or you may want something a little more “low maintenance” to give yourself a break!

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