Ways to Stay Healthy on a Budget

I wanted to write this post to address being/staying healthy on a budget because one, I know I have fellow millennial followers who might be on a tighter budget like me, and two, I haven’t come across a lot of articles or blog posts like this.

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The Science Behind Motivation

Do you ever stop and wonder what motivates you to do stuff?  I know, the question is broad, and these are things that we don’t really think about much.  We think we know ourselves so well, and then when we’re actually asked to put that so called “knowledge” into words to explain to someone else, we have nothing. 

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What No One Has Told You About Getting a Flat Stomach

But here’s something you’ve probably never heard before: getting a tight core requires more than cardio and ab exercises.  Yepp, you heard me right.  You cannot get the solid, strong, toned core that you’re looking for with solely cardio and abs/obliques exercises.

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How to Staycation: Top 6 Tips

Your staycation can be as adventurous or as simple as you make it.  Learn how to plan and make the most of a staycation.

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Confessions of a Product Junkie

We’re all guilty of it.  Whether you’re a rookie or a veteran in this natural hair game, you’ve probably had some product junkie tendencies at some point in time.  This post is for those of you who are still in the throes of it and for those of us in Product Junkies Anonymous.

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Vitamins and Supplements

An important piece of maintaining good health is vitamins.  While taking vitamins don’t necessarily help your body get anything “extra”, they are really good at filling voids. 

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Easy Healthy Breakfast and Snack Ideas

Sometimes it’s hard to eat healthy when you’re busy and we all know that failing to plan means planning to fail.  When you don’t pack healthy snacks for school or work or start your day with a healthy breakfast...

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Simple Body Scrub Recipes

Everyone likes to treat themselves every now and then.  Whether you choose to go to the spa or have a DIY at-home spa day is your choice.  But I have to let you in on a little secret.  The expensive sugar scrubs you see in stores and spas that work wonders?  They cost pennies to make. 

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