Posts tagged food
What is Intuitive Eating?

After hearing a podcast about intuitive eating, I wanted to learn more. If you’ve been reading for a while, you know that I’ve tried just about everything when it comes to different diets. I’ve done keto, intermittent fasting, and Whole 30, just to name a few. But in learning more about wellness and becoming a certified health coach, I no longer stand by (or want to experiment with) any of those diets. I share the things that I learn as I learn them and I want you to be able to see my progression through my posts. So while I no longer try fad diets (for fun or for weight loss reasons) or suggest them for anyone, what I’ve written about them will remain on my blog. The wonderful thing about intuitive eating is that it is healthy and sustainable.

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My Intermittent Fasting Experience

This is the 7thinstallment of Kayla’s Quick Reads, a series of posts designed to be read from top to bottom in 5 minutes or less. Earlier this year, I decided to try intermittent fasting after feeling like I had hit a plateau with workouts and weight management. According to Wikipedia, intermittent fasting is…

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Never Underestimate the Influence of Portion Control

This is an important concept for weight loss and for overall weight management.  It’s easier to know how much to cut back (if you’re looking to lose) or how much to eat (if you’re looking to gain or maintain) when you understand the concept of portion control.  So I’m going to share some tips that have helped me become more aware of what I eat and how much I eat, which in turn has helped me lose and maintain weight.  Hopefully they’ll help you too!

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