Posts in Nutrition
Ways to Stay Healthy on a Budget

I wanted to write this post to address being/staying healthy on a budget because one, I know I have fellow millennial followers who might be on a tighter budget like me, and two, I haven’t come across a lot of articles or blog posts like this.

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Vitamins and Supplements

An important piece of maintaining good health is vitamins.  While taking vitamins don’t necessarily help your body get anything “extra”, they are really good at filling voids. 

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Easy Healthy Breakfast and Snack Ideas

Sometimes it’s hard to eat healthy when you’re busy and we all know that failing to plan means planning to fail.  When you don’t pack healthy snacks for school or work or start your day with a healthy breakfast...

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7 Tips to Making A Lifestyle Change

If you're looking to make the transition to a healthier lifestyle, be it healthier eating, working out more, or anything in between, check this out!

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Misconceptions Millennials Have Regarding Health

Take a deeper look at the many misconceptions that millennials have regarding their health, a post written by guest blogger ThinkWell.! @__thinkwell on Instagram.

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Never Underestimate the Influence of Portion Control

This is an important concept for weight loss and for overall weight management.  It’s easier to know how much to cut back (if you’re looking to lose) or how much to eat (if you’re looking to gain or maintain) when you understand the concept of portion control.  So I’m going to share some tips that have helped me become more aware of what I eat and how much I eat, which in turn has helped me lose and maintain weight.  Hopefully they’ll help you too!

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