Posts in Physical
My Intermittent Fasting Experience

This is the 7thinstallment of Kayla’s Quick Reads, a series of posts designed to be read from top to bottom in 5 minutes or less. Earlier this year, I decided to try intermittent fasting after feeling like I had hit a plateau with workouts and weight management. According to Wikipedia, intermittent fasting is…

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Staying Healthy During Cold & Flu Season

So cold and flu season is officially here!  In fact, this post might be a little too late for those of you who have already caught a cold.  But don’t worry!  Information in this post is for those of us who are fighting colds AND those of us who are trying to be proactive and avoid them!

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Quick, Easy, and Healthy Fall Recipes

Fall is officially in full swing!  Like a lot of people, I love the fall season for the boots and booties, scarves, denim and leather jackets, and endless layers.  But I also love the fall for all of the warm and easy recipes that come with it.

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How to Repurpose Leftovers, Create New Dishes, and Reduce Waste

Americans throw away $165 billion worth of food annually.  Imagine how much money you could save on food if you actually ate all of the food you purchased! 

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Ways to Stay Healthy on a Budget

I wanted to write this post to address being/staying healthy on a budget because one, I know I have fellow millennial followers who might be on a tighter budget like me, and two, I haven’t come across a lot of articles or blog posts like this.

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What No One Has Told You About Getting a Flat Stomach

But here’s something you’ve probably never heard before: getting a tight core requires more than cardio and ab exercises.  Yepp, you heard me right.  You cannot get the solid, strong, toned core that you’re looking for with solely cardio and abs/obliques exercises.

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