Posts in Mental
The Science Behind Motivation

Do you ever stop and wonder what motivates you to do stuff?  I know, the question is broad, and these are things that we don’t really think about much.  We think we know ourselves so well, and then when we’re actually asked to put that so called “knowledge” into words to explain to someone else, we have nothing. 

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How to Staycation: Top 6 Tips

Your staycation can be as adventurous or as simple as you make it.  Learn how to plan and make the most of a staycation.

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Rose Colored Glasses: Optimism vs. Positive Thinking

I had a conversation with one of my best friends about a month ago about the idea that everything happens for a reason and to what extent our free will affects our fate or destiny.  The conversation got me thinking about my way of thinking (I know, super introspective right?)

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Getting Back to Home Base

It’s been quite some time since I’ve written a post about self-care and I can’t help but think that it’s related to the fact that I’ve been neglecting it.  I decided to write this post for people like me who are conscious and aware of self-care but still fall short every now and then.  If you’re in need of a reboot, here are a few things I do to re-center and get back to home base.

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How to Maximize Self Care While on Vacation

Read about my self care vacation and learn tips for maximizing your "me time" the next time you take one!

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Aromatherapy Oils for Stress and Anxiety

Learn how essential oils can be used to promote emotional well being.

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