Posts in Mental
Applying the 5 Love Languages to Your Self Care Practices

This post is the second installment of ABK Quick Reads, a series of posts designed to be read from top to bottom in 5 minutes or less.  In today’s day and age, it’s hard to find time to eat and sleep, much less read.  So in an effort to educate efficiently, these can be read on the subway, during your lunch break, or even a bathroom break!

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Dealing with Grief

I’ve wanted to write a post on this topic for a long time, but I’ve avoided it because for the longest, I didn’t even really understand how I dealt with grief.  I thought to myself, how can you help other people understand how they grieve if you can’t even do that for yourself?

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The Power of Disconnecting

This post is the first installment of ABK Quick Reads, a series of posts designed to be read from top to bottom in 5 minutes or less.

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Why I'm NOT Creating a Vision Board for 2018

I know, I’m one of very few people who isn’t really into the whole vision board thing this year.  I posted a little bit about my goals for 2018 on my Instastory and decided to expand the conversation with a blog post so that I could talk a little more about why I’m not into vision boards anymore.

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Staying Healthy During Cold & Flu Season

So cold and flu season is officially here!  In fact, this post might be a little too late for those of you who have already caught a cold.  But don’t worry!  Information in this post is for those of us who are fighting colds AND those of us who are trying to be proactive and avoid them!

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Ways to Stay Healthy on a Budget

I wanted to write this post to address being/staying healthy on a budget because one, I know I have fellow millennial followers who might be on a tighter budget like me, and two, I haven’t come across a lot of articles or blog posts like this.

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